Information about your treatment and care will normally be something you will discuss with the healthcare professionals you come into contact with.
However there may be other information which you would like to obtain about you, your care, or Pennine Care, the organisation providing the care to you.
There are a number of ways you can access information held by Pennine Care:
- Under data protection law you are able to request a copy of any personal information we hold about you. This process is called Subject Access. Click here for more information about subject access, or contact the subject access team on or 0161 716 3149 / 3959
- Under The Access to Health Records Act (1990) you can request health records relating to deceased patients. Read more information about your right to request information regarding deceased patients, or contact the subject access team.
- Under the Freedom of Information Act (2000), you can request any other recorded information that is held by the Trust. Click here for more about Freedom of Information, or contact the team on or 0161 716 3146.
- Under the Environmental Information Regulations (2004), you can request any recorded environmental information held by the Trust. You can make an Environmental Information request in the same way you can make a Freedom of Information request. Contact the Freedom of Information Team (as above) for more information..
- You can see previous Freedom of Information requests received by the Trust.