Published on: 24th June 2024

On 3 June, Synnovis, a pathology laboratory which processes blood tests on behalf of a number of NHS organisations was subjected to a cyber attack.

We use Synnovis for a small number of tests associated with the clozapine service.

The cyber attack is being managed by NHS England and the National Cyber Security Centre, who are working closely with Synnovis.

At this time, it is not known what data may have been affected by the attack.

We are monitoring the situation and maintaining communication with the supplier and with NHS England.

Further information on the attack, including what to do if you are concerned your data may have been affected, is available at  Synnovis cyber incident - NHS England Digital

If you have any queries about how Pennine Care processes your information, you can contact our data protection officer via:

Please be assured that this will not have an impact on your care. Please attend your appointments as normal, unless advised differently.

If you have any concerns about the care you are receiving, please contact the service directly.