Published on: 4th July 2023
This year the NHS turns 75 years old on Wednesday 5 July. When it opened in 1948, just down the road from us in Trafford, it became the first universal health system to be available to all, free at the point of delivery.
We're celebrating this milestone by showcasing the best of the NHS and encouraging everyone to join in with NHS 75 activities and ideas.
Please share what you're up to with us @PennineCareNHS on social media, using #NHS75.
Parkrun for NHS 75
Parkrun is holding NHS 75 celebrations at their 5km events in parks across the country on Saturday 8 July, which are open for anyone to run, walk, or volunteer.
At the celebration events many people are choosing to wear NHS blue or fancy dress, and there’s also the chance to promote NHS careers or local services.
Please check with your local Parkrun what they have planned and lookout for any Pennine Care banners or colleagues at the events across our patch: Chadderton, Glossop, Heaton Park, Hyde, Marple, Oldham (Alexandra park), Stamford (Stalybridge), Watergrove (Rochdale) and Woodbank (Stockport).
Make an award nomination
Our Pennine Care People Awards is a chance to recognise, thank, and celebrate someone who has gone above and beyond to support you or your loved ones.
The community choice category is open for patients, carers and the public to pick - and there's no better time than NHS 75 to submit a nomation. Visit our awards page for more info.
Create some NHS 75 art
Get creative by painting, drawing or writing something to celebrate NHS 75. Share it with us on social media @PennineCareNHS
Volunteering can be hugely rewarding and plays a massive part in improving our services. We have loads of opportunities available, including gardening, capturing patient feedback, befriending and mealtime support.
Visit our volunteering page or get in touch for a chat: 0161 716 3365,
Get involved in research
The research of today is the better care of tomorrow. By taking part in research studies, you can help to improve services or develop ground-breaking new treatments.
There’s a new 'Be Part of Research’ service you can sign up to on the NHS app, and you can visit our research page to see what projects we're involved in.
Give blood
Every day thousands of people’s lives are saved or improved thanks to the generosity of blood donors. The NHS needs over 5,000 donations every day, you can play your part and save lives at:
Take the NHS 1000 miles challenge
Aim to walk, run, swim and cycle 1,000 miles during 2023. Keep a record of your weekly miles and tweet your progress on Sunday nights at 7.30pm using #NHS1000miles.
- Join the NHS Organ Donor Register
- Support NHS charities
- Join the NHS1000 miles challenge
- Get involved in research projects
Support NHS charities
By fundraising or taking part in events to support NHS Charities Together, you can help the NHS go above and beyond for patients.
We’ve used charities money on a range of initiatives including a new garden gym for young people, wellbeing packs for staff, and a new kitchen for Stockport Memory Assessment Service.
Become an organ donor
You can join the NHS Organ Donor Register and greatly enhance or even save the lives of others after you die. Talk to your loved ones so they understand and support your decision.
NHS 75 photography competition
A photo taken by Christopher Hardy, from our Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale community learning disability team has been chosen as a finalist in the Fujifilm NHS 75 photography competition, in the innovation category.
It features Ryan, a young man with learning and physical disabilities, enjoying a drink (in moderation) at his local pub assisted by Niamh, a speech and language therapist. Read more about Chris' entry.