Top tips for a good Pennine Care People Award submission
  • Allow plenty of time (deadline Friday 12 July 2024). • Enter the most appropriate category by checking the criteria.
  • Write your nomination in a Word doc first, to check you’ve not gone over the 4000-character limit (including spaces). This is around 650 words. You can then copy into the submission form.
  • Be passionate, punchy, and positive – it’s not a report.
  • Explain how the individual/team/project “stands out from the crowd” and back up your points with as much evidence as you can, for example:
    •  X is kind, warm and approachable, evidenced by receiving 100% positive patient feedback.
    • Team Y has shown determination and ingenuity in developing the new service. They’ve supported nearly 1,000 people and received lots of positive feedback, including “Thanks to the team I can see a brighter future.”
    • Z is committed to being kind, fair and inclusive. Colleague feedback includes “When I started, Z spent time getting to know me and understanding the support I need. It made such a difference.”
  • Remember the judges likely won’t know anything about your project/team etc, so explain the background/context and use simple language.
  • Ask someone who doesn’t know much about your service/project to check your submission – do they understand and feel it demonstrates the achievements well?
  • Don't feel like your contribution isn’t big or good enough. Some of the smallest and simplest things can have the biggest impact.
  • Don't use lots of jargon, clinical terminology, abbreviations – the judges may not understand.
  • Don't miss the deadline! (midnight on Friday 12 July 2024)