Beckett Place is a ten bed step-down secure unit for women with severe mental illness and complex needs.

We provide intensive rehabilitation based on your individual needs, to help you back into the community.

We will keep you at heart of this process, so you take an active role in your recovery and are better served by us and the mental health care system.

Our objective is to improve and enhance the service for you and your carers.

What we can help with

We can provide a programme of support to help if you've found it difficult to engage with mental health services, or if treatment hasn't helped previously.

If some of these apply to you then we may be able to help:

  • You have post-traumatic disorders, personality difficulties and significant attachment disorders
  • You experience aggression and/or self-harm
  • You have a secondary diagnosis of personality disorder and may present with challenging behaviour
  • You have a history of illicit substance misuse, also have an index offence and are subject to a treatment and/or detention order by the Ministry of Justice.
  • You have a history of vulnerability and exploitation in mixed gender settings, and you've been assessed as requiring a two year period of rehabilitation.