Anthony Hassall - Chief Executive
Anthony joined Pennine Care as Chief Executive in April 2022.
He was previously Regional Chief People Officer at NHS England and Improvement North West, and before that was Chief Accountable Officer at Salford Clinical Commissioning Group for six years. At Salford Clinical Commissioning Group, Anthony led a successful team who achieved an NHS England and Improvement 'outstanding' rating every year.
Prior to his role in Salford, Anthony worked at Board and senior level in a range of NHS organisations in Greater Manchester and Cheshire and Merseyside.
Anthony is Chair of the North West mental health, learning disability and autism collaborative, which ensures the voice of NHS trusts specialising in these areas across the region are represented and heard at a national level. He is also on the NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board as the acute mental health representative and on the board of Health Innovation Manchester. His earlier experience includes being trustee of a mental health charity and leading a service user engagement programme to redesign community services in a US mental health organisation.
Anthony has led work regionally around inequalities and inclusion and is also currently trustee of the Salford Foundation charity where he lives, which supports people with mental and physical health challenges back into employment and training.
Follow Anthony on X (Twitter) @AntHassallNHS or reach him by email to