Bury early attachment service works with you, and the services supporting you, to help you build a satisfying relationship with your baby.

We work with you during pregnancy, and with you and your baby up until their second birthday.

The way that parents and babies relate to one another underpins the baby’s emotional wellbeing well into adulthood.

We know from research that these first relationships have a physical impact on the baby’s growing brain and their capacities for managing their own feelings, learning and forming healthy relationships.

We want to work with you at the earliest possible time, to help you build a relationship that is satisfying for both your baby and you.

Our team consists of psychologists and specialist health visitors. We’ve all developed expertise in supporting parent-infant relationships and have undertaken extra training to ensure there is a variety of options for you.

We work in the community in children’s centres and within family homes. 

We have strong working relationships with health visitors, midwives, GPs, and community support and help services.

Because we work together, you can always contact your health visitor, community midwife or GP, if you feel you need support with your relationship with your baby. They will often be able to provide the support you need.

We can support any parent who is concerned about how their relationship with their unborn or young child is developing.

There are very powerful ideas around becoming a parent and how it should feel, but many people’s experiences don’t fit with these. Having a baby can be very difficult and this can affect both you and your baby.

There are things that can make getting to know and connecting with your baby more difficult.  For example, feeling low/depressed or anxious during pregnancy or after your baby arrives, negative or adverse experiences from your past or present, or traumatic birth experiences.

We can work with you to explore and make sense of your feelings and help build your relationship with your baby.

Sometimes we’ll work with you directly, and sometimes we’ll support other services and professionals that you already have relationships with.

If it’s decided that we are the best service to help you, we’ll meet to talk though your concerns and experiences. Then we can plan with you what help you and your baby want and need.

We offer both group and individual support that is known to be effective.

For the services and professionals working with you, we offer training, consultation and in some cases ongoing supervision, to ensure that the parent-infant relationship is always in mind.

Any professional or family can request our involvement, and all requests are met with the offer of an initial telephone consultation. To request a consultation you can call us on 0161 716 1137.

If you are a professional you can also email us for a copy of the referral form pcn-tr.buryearlyattachmentservice@nhs.net

You can like and follow our Facebook page to get information that might help you and your baby: Bury early attachment service | Facebook

Your Baby and You has been written by families and professionals together, with information, videos and things to help you to get to know and understand your baby.

Take your time to read through the content during pregnancy, and remember to revisit it following birth.

Our pregnancy and mental health page has advice and information about common mental health problems and things you may experience during and after pregnancy. You can also find contacts for lots of helpful services.