The council of governors, led by our Chair, is made up of elected members of the public, staff and representatives from partner organisations.

Governors are responsible for ensuring the views of our diverse local communities and members are considered in decisions about how we develop NHS mental health, learning disability and autism services. They meet four times a year. Read more about Council of Governor meetings.

Becoming a governor - our elections

Being a governor is your chance to be a powerful voice for change, improve services in your area, enhance patient experiences, and build a healthier future for all.

We hold an election to choose governors to represent each local borough and staff groups. 

You can nominate yourself if you'd like to stand. Nominations are open until Thursday 1 May 2025.

Read more about the role, election and express your interest.

You can also contact us on

Meet our current governors

Our governors represent the following areas; click the links to find out more about our current governors:

Governors are an integral part all NHS foundation trusts, with certain statutory duties set out in the NHS Foundation Trust Code of Governance.

They don’t undertake operational management, but they hold the Non-Executive Directors individually and collectively to account for the performance of the board.

This includes:

  • Representing the interests and views of members
  • Meeting with members, where possible, to provide an opportunity to share information about us, our direction and vision, and how we're performing
  • Reviewing the performance of the Non-Executive Directors
  • Appointing, and if appropriate, removing the Chairman and Non-Executive Directors
  • Approving the appointment of the Chief Executive
  • Deciding the remuneration and allowances, and other terms and conditions of office, of the Chair and Non-Executive Directors
  • Ensuring we meet our responsibilities to the wider community
  • Monitoring how well we are doing
  • Appointing and, if appropriate, remove our external auditor
  • Receiving our annual accounts and the annual report