Hope Unit - In-Patient Service

Hope Unit is one of our in-patient facilities, situated within Fairfield Hospital in Bury.

We provide treatment and support to young people, aged between 13 and 18 years old, from anywhere in the UK, suffering from a range of mental health difficulties.

The 12-bed unit was developed to ensure you receive the treatment they need in an age-appropriate environment.

The unit provides intensive assessment and treatment for mental illness or psychiatric disorder, for which enhanced community treatment is no longer viable or safe. This can include if you are detained under the Mental Health Act.

Your length of stay on the Hope Unit is around four to six weeks, but this will vary depending on your individual needs.

On the unit we have an expert team of healthcare professionals including psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, occupational therapists, dieticians and teachers.

We also have some family ambassadors who can support parents and carers.

The unit has been refurbished to ensure it is of the highest standard.

Young people have created some advice about what life is like on Hope and Horizon.

You are always welcome to visit your loved ones on the unit, please contact us before to arrange this.

We will try to be as flexible and accommodating as possible but ask that you please try to avoid visits during college hours and mealtimes, as this forms part of the therapeutic day. The best times to visit are evenings and weekends.