Get involved with Pennine Care

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One of our four big ambitions is that people with lived and living experience shape every decision.

We want our services to be the best they can be for everyone who uses them and the feedback, views and experiences of our services users, along with their families and carers, can help us develop, deliver and improve them.

We want you to get involved in shaping what we do and there are various opportunities to do so, such as: 

  • Membership at meetings and project groups that aim to improve our services;
  • Involvement in the recruitment and training of our staff;
  • Reviewing the quality of our services;
  • Volunteering in our clinical and support services.

We offer training and support as well as any agreed out of pocket expenses. Find out more in our Introduction to Involvement Handbook

To find out more, please complete this form and we will get in touch. 
Use the drop downs below for information about our current involvement opportunities.

The Patient Experience and Engagement Reference (PEER) Group has been established to co-develop our Trust’s approach to making the patient and carer voice loud and unmissable in our organisation.

It is comprised of service users and carers (or those that have previously used our services in the last 12 months) and Trust members of staff working in involvement and engagement. 

We are looking to increase the membership and diversity of the PEER Group and invite people with lived and living experience from our local communities to get in touch with a view to joining the group.

View the lived experience role outline and complete this form to express your interest.

For any further information or for support in completing the form, please contact the involvement team on 0161 716 3572 or email

The patient safety incident response framework (PSIRF) is an approach to responding to patient safety incidents and is seen as a major step towards improving safety management across the healthcare system in England. It will ensure the NHS focuses on understanding how patient safety incidents happen, allowing for more effective learning and improvement, and ultimately making NHS care safer for patients.

We will soon be providing the opportunuty for more patient safety partner roles . You can view the role outline which describes what it entails as well as the support we can offer. 

To learn more about PSIRF, you can watch this video and visit this website 

To express your interest in this role, please complete this form

If you would like to know more about this role, please contact the Involvement Team on 0161 716 3572 or email us

Role: Expert by experience member

Meeting: Trust-wide complex emotional and relationalneeds steering group

Location: Virtual or face to face

Time required: 2 hours every 2 months plus up to 2 hours reading time and 15 mins pre and post meeting briefing

Payment: £10 per hour

Length of appointment: 2 years with possibility of longer

About the steering group

The complex emotional and relational needs steering group supports the development and running of services for people with complex emotional and relational needs and/or a diagnosis of personality disorder across the trust.

Main purpose of the role

As a member of the steering group it is hoped that you will actively contribute and engage with other steering group members to help improve our services and the experiences of people with complex emotional and relational difficulties who use our services as set out in the terms of reference.

You can see the full role outline and more information about the steering group here

To express your interest in this role, please complete this form

For more information about this role, please contact:

Lynette on 0161 716 3572 or Dan on 0161 716 3462 or 07514 723720



Do you provide care and support to someone who uses our services?

People who provide unpaid care and support to those using our mental health, learning disability and autism services are often known as carers. Carers can be family members, friends and neighbours.

We hold Triangle of Care groups every other month with staff, carers and service users to focus on how we can all contribute to:

  • Identifying carers and the essential role they play
  • Providing carer awareness training to staff
  • Getting confidentiality and information sharing right
  • Having dedicated roles to support carers
  • How we provide information about our services and what we do
  • Gathering and sharing information about support services for carers 

Please contact us 0161 716 3572 or for more information

Read more about the Triangle of Care

Pennine Care are an accredited member of the National Triangle of Care initiative. To achieve membership we must meet 6 key standards, one of which is staff are ‘carer aware’ and trained in carer engagement strategies.

Find out more about the Triangle of Care.

We are looking for carers of Pennine Care services to support the development and delivery of the Triangle of Care: Carer Awareness training.

The main purpose of this role is to work in partnership with the Trust in developing and delivering training to staff which raises awareness of the needs and experiences of carers and is based on legislation, the Triangle of Care standards and other evidence based best practice.

You can view the role outline for more information.

To express your interest please complete this form

Our new community rehabilitation design group is looking for lived expereince membership. 

The group is comprimised of service users,carers and members of staff.

The purpose of the community rehabilitation team (CRT) steering group is to ensure there is an overview of the quality of service in mobilisation of the community rehabilitation team to support people with complex psychosis who are living in funded placements including care homes and supported accommodation and those in inpatient rehabilitation settings. The group will ensure the development and delivery of evidence-based pathways, share good practice and identify areas for improvement.

You can view the role outline here and complete our form to express your interest.

Dan Beresford and Rob Baker are our Tameside and Glossop service user and carer involvement team.

Our aim is to support service users, carers and service providers to fulfil Pennine Care's “big ambition” of people with lived experience shaping every decision.

Involving those with lived experience isn’t a box ticking exercise, it makes a real, tangible difference to the lives of service users and carers, as well as enabling you to deliver the best service possible and we need you to help us make this a reality.

If you are currently a service user, have previously used Pennine Care services in Tameside and Glossop, or care for somebody who does and would like to be involved in shaping our services, or have any questions, please contact us:

Dan Beresford - 0161 716 3462 or 07514 723720

Rob Baker - 0161 716 3461 or 07935 700859

For information about volunteering opportunities with us, please visit our volunteering page