We provide healthcare to adults and children who have a diagnosed learning disability.
This includes service in the community in Bury, Oldham, Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale, Stockport and Tameside. We also have an overnight short breaks and supported living services in Bury.
The services we provide include:
- Assessment and support for people with complex and challenging needs
- Support to reduce and overcome health challenges experienced by people with learning disabilities
- Help with access a range of services to keep you healthy
Who do we work with?
We work closely with a range of partners. This includes other NHS organisations, social care, doctors, voluntary and other organisations.
We also work with other health professionals across Pennine Care, so other services can support people with a learning disability.
Services in your area
Click on the following links to find out more about learning disability services in your borough:
Guides and resources
We have made some easy read guides to help you stay well.
Health Education England have made some guides to health choices and questions to ask.
National transforming care programme
The national transforming care programme aims to improve services for people with learning disabilities and/or autism, who display behaviour that challenges.
This includes people with a mental health condition.
It focuses on five key areas of development:
- Empowering individuals
- Right care, right place
- Workforce
- Regulation
- Data