We work closely with a range of statutory services, national and local charities. This partnership working supports engagement and relapse prevention.

We work in partnership with Lancashire and South Cumbia NHS Trust to provide the psychological therapy service to veterans living in Lancashire.

Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust delivers the service across Cheshire and Merseyside (excluding Liverpool).

Military veterans in Liverpool should access the Talk Liverpool service, provided by Mersey Care NHS Trust.

Local veteran support - Manchester

Walking With The Wounded (WWTW)

Open: Monday- Friday, 9am-5pm

Phone: 01263 863 900 

Walking With The Wounded supports a pathway for veterans to re-integrate back into society and sustain independence:

Greater Manchester Forces Directory

Greater Manchester Combined Authority have created a directory with support organisations charities and business: www.gmforcesdirectory.com/


Local veteran support - Lancashire

Walking With The Wounded - Project Nova

Veterans in the Community (VIC)

Works across East Lancashire to supports those who have served in any of the branches of the Royal Navy, Army, Royal Marines, Royal Air Force, the emergency services and their families who have or are having difficulties with returning to ‘civvy street’. 

Phone: 01706 833180

Email: info@vic.org.uk

Is still offering support on the telephone or video during covid, and in person by appointment only.

Dig In North West

Private walled garden in Preston. Dig In welcome anyone from the military community to join them for some gardening, carpentry, photography, a chat, and even a brew or two. There are no expectations, this is not a talking therapy nor a commercially driven market garden. It is merely a place to meet people who have a shared experience, to come together and support each other.

Dig In North West website.

Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Clubs

Breakfast clubs are held all over the country. Visit the Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Clubs website and enter your postcode to find one close to you.

Op Restore: The Veterans Physical Health and Wellbeing Service

Op RESTORE is the new name for the Veterans Trauma Network. It is a service for anyone who has served at least one day in the UK Armed Forces and, as a result of your service, acquired a significant, lasting physical illness or injury.

OP RESTORE accept only GP referrals, GPs can obtain a referral form by emailing imperial.oprestore@nhs.net

Op RESTORE uses a network of both civilian and military consultants, along with welfare support from military charities.  While Op RESTORE cannot shorten NHS waiting times, it seeks to ensure the you ‘wait well’ and are seen by the most appropriate clinician for your needs.

For more information, visit www.nhs.uk/armedforceshealth


Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), including Job Centre Plus (JCP)

DWP offer advice on training and employment opportunities across a wide range of sectors, support from partner organisations for the families of those who have served, and a route into DWP for anyone who needs help with a welfare benefit issue.

JCP armed forces champions work specifically with members of the armed forces community, and you can email them at: NorthWest.ArmedForcesChampions@dwp.gov.uk

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Banner image: UK MOD © Crown copyright 2019