Oldham mental health support team - Thrive in Education

We help young people, aged five to 18, who are experiencing anxiety, low mood and other issues affecting wellbeing.

We run the service in partnership with a local charity Place2Be and Youth in Mind (part of Tameside, Oldham and Glossop Mind).

Our aim is to help you reach your full potential, by offering the right support, in the right place, at the right time.

Our team is currently based in 38 schools across the borough and we work closely with your school staff and parents, to make sure you benefit from joined-up support.

We’re here all year round, including school holidays. 

We help with mild to moderate mental health problems, such as anxiety or low mood, and behavioural difficulties.

A mild mental health problem is when you have a small number of symptoms which have a limited effect on your daily life. A moderate problem is if you have more symptoms that can make your daily life more difficult than usual.

There are three main ways we can help:

  • Provide 1:1 sessions and group work to help you cope and to prevent common mental health problems
  • Support schools and colleges to develop their approach to mental health, so you get the right help and can stay in school or college.
  • Offer training and guidance for staff at school and parent groups

You can be referred by your school mental health lead or link worker, if you are experiencing issues such as worry and low mood.