Safeguarding covers a range of activities, undertaken by all of us, to support all adults and children’s rights to be safe.

We hold the value that living a life free from harm and abuse is your fundamental human right.

We acknowledge our statutory responsibilities to promote the welfare of children and young people, and to protect adults at risk of abuse, enabling them to retain independence, well-being, dignity and choice.

This requires a ‘think family’ approach as children, young people, adults and their families and carers don't exist or operate in isolation.

We believe that safeguarding is everybody's business and put measures in place to protect those least able to protect themselves. Every member of our staff has an individual responsibility for the protection and safeguarding of children and adults.

If you have concerns about safeguarding children, young people or adults:

Please get in touch with the local multi-agency safeguarding hub, between 9am and 4.30pm. If your concern is out of hours, you can contact social care emergency duty teams.

In an emergency, contact the police on 999 if there is an immediate risk of harm.

For children, contacts are for the area in which the child lives:

For an adult, contacts are for the area in which the abuse took place:

More information

These documents show how we're fulfilling our commitment to safeguarding children, young people and adults who are at risk.

You can also visit our policies page to view our policies which cover safeguarding.