Stockport Infant Parent Service (IPS) supports parents and families with your bond and attachment to your infant up to 2 years old.
We work with families who have a Stockport GP, to help you build a relationship with your infant if you're struggling to develop a connection or are finding it hard to read your baby’s cues.
Building these bonds can be challenging and our ideas of parenthood don’t always match our experience. Lots of things can contribute to these difficulties and we will help you to understand your experiences.
We work with you in your home and in the community, as well as at our base in Stockport.
We focus on understanding and supporting the infant-parent relationship, through a series of sessions. This can be 1:1 work, groups or indirect work with professionals, and will look different depending on a your difficulties.
Our first step is to invite you for an assessment to decide together what support might be needed. We encourage you to bring your baby to these sessions.
Our team
We are a group of professionals who bring our knowledge, experience and passion to supporting you and your familiy.
We work from our base in Stockport and across community health clinics, children’s centres and family homes across Stockport. We work closely with health visitors, midwives, GPs, nurseries and other early years professionals.
Our team includes a specialist health visitor, mental health practitioners, child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapists and clinical psychologists. We also often have assistant or trainee clinical psychologists working with us.
Your Baby and You
You can find lots of helpful information and tips on things to help you to get to know and understand your baby here: Your Baby and You :: Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
Pregnancy and mental health
Our pregnancy and mental health page has advice and information about common mental health problems and things you may experience during and after pregnancy. You can also find contacts for lots of helpful services.
Helpful resources
Ten tips for thriving - Our partners across Greater Manchester have come up with ten tips to support your child’s social emotional development and wellbeing. By following these you can help to give them the best start in life.
NSPCC support for parents - advice for parents from the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children