Tameside and Glossop CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health service).

We offer specialist services to children and young people who are experiencing mental health difficulties.

We help children and young people up to the age of 16 years and from 16-18 years for young people on particular pathways.  Some of the problems that we an help with include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Psychosis
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Self-harm
  • ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
  • Autism
  • More complex psychological difficulties

We also provide consultation, advice and training to other agencies and accept referrals from a wide range of professionals.

Our clinicians come from a range of clinical and professional backgrounds, including psychiatrists, nurses, social workers or psychologists, amongst others.

All referrals for children and adolescent mental health services in Tameside and Glossop now go through a single point of access team, in partnership with Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Early Help.

Referrals can be made through completion of the multi agency referrals service (MARS) form. Your referral will be checked by mental health professionals and allocated to the service that best meets the needs of the child or young person.

We've made a Tameside and Glossop CAMHS walkthrough video to help you find your way to our service. It also has some information about what to expect when you arrive.

We've also made some slides with pictures and information about what to expect when you visit us for the first time.

  • Make time to listen - create a calm, safe space where they can communicate their feelings. They may feel overwhelmed by a changing situation that isn’t being clearly explained in a way they can understand.
  • Take time to talk - some young people find it easier to talk while doing something together such as playing in the park, going for a walk, painting or other activities.
  • Try to understand the problems and provide reassurance that you have heard them and you are there to help. Their problems could be something you haven’t picked up on – it’s very common, so don’t feel guilty about this.

Further advice and helpful tips can be found on NHS’s Every Mind Matters.

  • If a child has taken an overdose or needs urgent medical help call 999 or take them to the nearest A&E. In Tameside & Glossop, it will be Tameside General Hospital nhs.uk/location
  • If you need urgent mental health support or advice, call 111 and choose the mental health option or contact your GP. For example, if a child is having suicidal thoughts or is self-harming.
  • If you have noticed physical injuries such as deep cuts or burns contact NHS 111 online or your GP for advice.

I need help now:

I need advice or help:


At Tameside and Glossop CAMHS, we value and work hard to create and maintain a service that is anti-racist.

We are part of Pennine Care and follow the anti-racist statement to acknowledge, challenge, and tackle racism and health inequalities.

We have carried out a piece of work on racism and mental health, with a pledge to you and everyone who uses our services.  Read more about our racism and mental health work and the anti-racism statement.

If you have any concerns or complaints, please raise them with your key worker, our service manager, or one of the contacts at the link above.

We have specialist psychologists and therapists who are part of Tameside and Glossop CAMHS and who work with cared for children, their carers and professional networks.

Read more about the cared for children CAMHS team.