Tameside and Glossop secondary care psychological therapies services
Our vision is to deliver high quality psychological support to Tameside and Glossop community mental health teams.
We provide specialised psychological assessments and interventions if you are accessing these community mental health services. We also provide a psychological perspective into the care you are receiving from these services.
Our referrals come from care coordinators in these community mental health teams, if you meet eligibility criteria for secondary care mental health services.
We provide:
Individual therapy
We offer the following types of therapies:
- Processing trauma memories: reducing frequency and intensity of flashbacks and associated symptoms.
- ‘Here and now’ therapies: managing difficulties you a currently experiencing.
- Exploratory therapies: exploring your underlying difficulties, such as relational issues, self-identity, past traumas.
Some therapies may include a mix of the above approaches. We sometimes include carers and/or other professionals, when this feels helpful to you.
We offer a range of therapy models within these categories including cognitive behavioural therapy, eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing, cognitive analytic therapy, art psychotherapy, schema therapy, psychodynamic therapy, compassion focussed therapy, integrated clinical psychology. This may vary depending on the mix of colleagues available.
Formulation-driven care planning
This can help if you are less able to make use of individual therapy, and if your community mental health team require an in-depth personalised psychological approach to support you towards recovery. Within this we offer:
- Brief interventions: you meet with a therapist or psychologist for a set number of sessions (typically three-12). The community mental health team worker may attend some of all sessions, if this feels helpful.
- Extended indirect consultation: when you are unable to attend sessions, a therapist or psychologist may offer a set number of sessions to the community mental health team worker.
A psychologically-informed approach to care
We provide dedicated staffing time to each community mental health team, with the aim of supporting their provision of psychologically-informed care. This may involve a range of activities including consultation, training, reflective practice, clinical supervision, attending team meetings, and joint assessments.