We are committed to implementing and improving equality across the NHS.

The workforce race equality scheme (WRES) has nine indicators and requires NHS organisations to close the gap between the experience of black, ethnic minority and black staff with that of white staff.

WRES directly supports having a representative workforce and inclusive leadership, and indirectly supports better health outcomes and improved patient access and experience.

It will allow us to provide focus on a number of areas including:

  • Black, minority and ethnic representation at senior management and Board level
  • The experience of black, minority and ethnic staff in the employee relations process and NHS Staff Survey
  • The non-mandatory training and development opportunities made available to black, minority and ethnic members of staff

Liz Allen, non-executive director, is our Wellbeing Guardian​​​​​​. 

For older reports or more information, please contact pcn-tr.equalitydiversityinclusion@nhs.net