NHS Stockport Talking Therapies is for people over the age of 16 years, who are registered with a GP in Stockport.

We can help you to improve your emotional wellbeing in a safe, compassionate space, if you’re experiencing problems such as:

  • low mood or depression
  • anxiety disorders
  • stress
  • panic attacks
  • sleep problems
  • obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • phobias
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

We can also help you to manage the emotional impact of a long-term physical health problem, or chronic pain.

If our service is right for your needs, we will offer you an assessment to see how our team of therapists and counsellors can help you to manage these feelings and symptoms.

Following your assessment, you may be offered our workshops, groups and online cognitive behavioural therapy. If these aren’t suitable for you we can also discuss one-to-one treatment options

We offer several therapies to support your mental health and wellbeing, including:

  • Guided self help
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
  • Online cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Counselling
  • Couples counselling for depression
  • Psychosexual therapy

We also offer a number of groups and workshops including:

  • Wellbeing workshop
  • Living well with pain and long term health conditions  
  • Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)

Read more about our courses.

SilverCloud has a range online programmes that will help to teach you techniques based on cognitive behavioural therapy. There are many activities to complete, which help you to make practical changes in your thinking and behaviour, to manage your mood or anxiety.

The programme is private and secure, and is very interactive and flexible. It can also be used on any phone or tablet device, so that you always have access to it.

In most cases, you’ll get instant access to the programme. A therapist will provide up to six weekly online reviews to help you to get the most out of the programme.

Click here to sign up to Silvercloud.


What to expect after completing the SilverCloud referral form

You will receive an email from SilverCloud asking you to complete a questionnaire and select a treatment programme to work through. Please keep an eye on your junk email box as often emails end up there. 

This information will be reviewed by us and then we'll contact you. This could be by phone, text or letter.

How does SilverCloud work?

SilverCloud is an online cognitive behavioural therapy programme. It's flexible, effective, easy to use, and puts you in control of your own progress. You can work through at your own pace and complete the tasks at times to suit you. 

You will speak to a psychological wellbeing practitioner on the telephone at the start of your treatment. You will also receive weekly emails from them as they will review the progress you are making. 

After you complete a SilverCloud programme

You will have access to the materials on SilverCloud for 12 months, and we would encourage you to continue to access the programme during this period to help you to continue to practice your new skills.

If you sign up and change your mind

Once you are allocated to a therapist you will have weekly reviews via email. If at any point, you have questions about the programme or you feel it isn’t right for you, please leave us a message to let us know. We will be happy to discuss alternative treatment options with you. 

If we notice that you don’t log on to your account for two weeks once treatment has started, and you haven’t left us any messages, at that point, we will assume you do not wish to continue with SilverCloud and will discharge you back to the care of your GP. 

More information

Watch this SilverCloud video for more information

You can refer yourself by​​​​​​ completing the online form.

If our service is right for your needs, we will offer you an assessment to see how our team of therapists and counsellors can help you to manage your feelings and symptoms.

We work in partnership with Big Life Group (previously Self Help Services) and Pure Innovations ​​​to minimise waiting times, and sometimes we may offer you the option of having your initial assessment with these services. You may decline this option by stating this in your self-referral.

If you are unable to complete the referral form yourself you can ask your GP or health professional to refer on your behalf.


If you find that your distress is out of control and you need immediate help, please find a list of numbers to keep you safe.

We recognise that from time to time you may have difficulty in attending your appointments or need to rearrange.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you can’t attend by contacting our office number on 0161 716 5640 and leaving a message for your therapist.

We need at least 24 hours’ notice to rearrange your appointment, so we can offer the slot to someone else waiting for support.

If you miss more than two appointments or if you miss your first appointment without letting us know, we will unfortunately have to discharge you back to the care of your GP.

Any appointments which aren’t rearranged with 24 hours’ notice will still count towards the total number of sessions agreed with your therapist.

We’re sorry for any inconvenience, please let us know if there’s anything we can do to help make your appointments more accessible.

Following the closure of the online professional referral portal, professional referrals to NHS Talking Therapies are still accepted. However please carefully consider whether it’s appropriate for the patient.

The service is for people with mild to moderate common mental health problems (e.g. depression and anxiety), with a strong focus on self-help. This is why self-referral is the preferred route. 

If a professional referral is appropriate, you can email a referral form to us. Pennine Care staff can access a copy of the referral form on the staff intranet. Otherwise please contact us for a copy. Outpatient psychiatry letters are also still accepted.

We offer a confidential and non-judgemental service. Your worker, and their supervisor/manager will usually be the only people authorised to access your information and they will do so to ensure we are providing an effective service.

We will always keep your GP up to date on your care with us and we will routinely send copies of your assessment and discharge reports to your GP, or let them know if we have any concerns during your treatment.

Sometimes we may need to share specific information to other people who are involved in your care (such as if you have an assigned social worker or health visitor). If this is the case your worker will normally discuss this with you first and we always aim to gain your consent.

There are some instances where we will always disclose information, with or without your consent. These instances include when:

  • We believe that you may be at risk of harming yourself
  • There is a serious risk to the health and safety of others (e.g. children and vulnerable adults)
  • You disclose any past unreported crime (for example childhood sexual abuse)
  • Information is required to be used in court
  • We need to give information to the police to help detect or prevent a serious crime
  • We believe there is a threat to your safety

Where possible we will always inform you when we need to share information for the reasons given above.

Confidentiality will be maintained according to Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust policy. Visit our data protection and confidentiality page for more info on privacy and data protection policies.