Young people's specialist support team

We support young people with complex needs, including learning disabilities, autism or both, who are in crisis.

We accept referrals for people aged up to 17 years 8 months, who are known to the dynamic support register (DSR) in addition to CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health services) or CAMHS learning disability services.

We can help you and your family if you are going through difficulties at home and feel like breaking point is approaching and further support is needed.

We can support you if you are on the dynamic support register and are known to CAMHS or CAMHS learning disability services.

You may also have accessed other specialist services including community eating disorders or early intervention services, or immediate crisis services such as the rapid response team or home intensive treatment team.

You can be referred to us up to the age of 17 years and 8 months old.

Our service is based on the ‘Ealing Model of Intensive Support’, with referrals being sent to us directly from the dynamic support register (DSR).  

DSRs are for people who have been diagnosed with a learning disability, autism, or both. It helps professionals to know who might need extra support, and helps to get the right care and treatment at home whenever possible, as fast as possible.

We know that your needs may change quickly, so the register can help to identify increased risk and help us proactively support you in the community.

We also work with Barnardo’s keyworkers to signpost families to local support and short break services.

We provide consultation to the professionals working with you and your parent(s) or carer(s), when appropriate. This helps those around you to understand your needs better and why you might be struggling to cope in your current setting.

We also offer recommendations for services working with you to follow and to think about when you are working together.

If you are an autistic young person without an additional learning disability, we can provide support and training to the services you are accessing for support with your mental health.

If you have a learning disability, we provide direct assessments to help explain your needs, and help for you and your family. This could include therapy, behaviour support planning, problem solving, and training for other people who support you.

We can also provide this help if you are autistic but your needs look similar to those of someone with a learning disability. For example, difficulties with everyday activities, such as getting out of bed, dressing, washing, preparing meals, managing finances; but you do not have a learning disability.

Assessments usually last up to six weeks, with further support usually lasting an additional three to six months.

Following our input, you will be stepped down to the appropriate community service for ongoing support and advice.

We also provide consultation to professionals, if you are working with a young person on the dynamic support register who is rated as ‘red’ or ‘amber’ and is at risk of admission to hospital or of placement breakdown. This includes risk of being unable to live at home or attend their school provision.

For us to provide this consultation there will need to be a keyworker, and consent from the family and young person where possible. You may also have a care education and treatment review (CETR) in place.

We offer up to four consultation sessions, alongside the young person’s social worker, which includes a formulation of needs, recommendations, and signposting.

We can also provide support and training to other services, as described above, to help them to better support autistic young people who are experiencing complex mental health needs.

Click the links for more information about our service.

These have pictures and are easier to read.

Welcome to the young people's specialist support team - easy read

The intensive offer process - easy read

Understanding consultation - easy read